Good morrow UK, t wouldst beest an honour to deliv'r a Shakespeare Sonnet lectureth to thee.
The appeal is thine, just bid me at which hour.
I behold forward to greeting thy reaction.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
Good morrow UK, t wouldst beest an honour to deliv'r a Shakespeare Sonnet lectureth to thee.
The appeal is thine, just bid me at which hour.
I behold forward to greeting thy reaction.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
Working I am on a quite long and complex translation, from English into Spanish related to Trust, Trust Funds, Trustees, Beneficiaries, Settlements, Settlors, Annuities, Annuitants, Parents, Guardians, and whatnot.
Translations nowadays are done with the assistance of AI, with accuracy deemed at approximately 95%. The missing 5% dealt with expertise and knowledge. Comparable to a Surgeon who intervenes when the patient is prepared. Productivity is doubled.
The first thing though, always, is checking this blog's stats.
Nice to see several new readers from Russia and Iran, besides the usual US, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Andorra, Dominican Republic, Morocco, Hong Kong, Finland, Estonia, Australia, Sweden, Mexico, Ireland, Indonesia, Singapore.
I still do have expectations of receiving some feedback and have been asking for it repeatedly.
Time to go to work, the tight deadline is unforgiving and I do not feel like using the agreed if needed 24-hour extension.
Have a good day.
Luis Gumucio
aka Luchín
Twenty-nine hits from Canada in the last twenty-four hours. That is a nice way to begin this session. No feedback is ok, the stats suffice as it indicate an audience in various countries. Well, whoever you are, my gratitude is expressed.
Have a glorious day.
The first thing is to check the stats, for the last 24 hours.
Hello Hong Kong, Chile, the US, the UK, South Africa, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, and Iran. It really surprises me.
151 visits in the last seven days which are usually in the range of 32 - 45.
Well, I will have to accept these stats as the sole feedback of thee, gentle and patient visitors.
Have a good day,
Nice to see you visiting this humble blog.
Please honour me with some feedback.
Monday June 12th, 1961
Distinguished readers,
This blog was created in 2006. Many readers from across the world have shown interest in what is here posted. Nevertheless, we are still waiting for someone to reply to the numerous feedback requests. Henceforth access will be limited only to those who request to be granted the category of custom readers. Just ask for it in the commentaries.
The first stage of this measure consists of 48 hours to apply. Next Friday the blog will be accessible to custom readers only. I ponder that I will continue writing for me only.
Fare thee well, in case this is the last post you will read.
Un saludo de cumpleaños para quienes están de aniversario de su nacimiento hoy.
La razón de hacerlo hoy? Porque sí, porque se me dió la gana
Fourteen score visitors from Iran in the last twenty-four hours, silent though, mute.
May I ask once more. Please send me some feedback to improve my delivery. I am not only curious but mighty grateful.
You have my Email and my WhatsApp number.
Please, I feel like talking in a cave in front of a void and dark background, reckoning that several people are watching me but I see nothing. A strange feeling it is, indeed.
I started a work session forty minutes ago and here you have me in a state of awe, forty minutes late of course.
It seems that I have written some things that have interested many over the years in several countries.
My expectations are now high, finally, I will hear something from someone, as I am imploring.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
Seldom do I here write, nevertheless, daily the stats I check.
To my great surprise and joy, readers from across the world visit.
Please, would you be so kind as to send me some feedback, just one will suffice, I implore.