Glad indeed I am to see you visiting this blog.
Can I do something else for you? You name it.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Fare thee well
Luis Gumucio
Glad indeed I am to see you visiting this blog.
Can I do something else for you? You name it.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Fare thee well
Luis Gumucio
Hello, dear readers,
I see you visiting this blog right now. Four from the US and three from Chile.
May I insist once more. Please, drop me a line or two.
Good night
Dear and patient readers from so many different places.
First thing I do on a daily basis is checking the stats of this blog.
A pleasure indeed it is to see so many visitors interested in this blog. Well, it is time to return the favour and write more often.
Inspired on Albino Luciani who wrote letters to historical characters like Dante, Da Vinci and Goethe, I write letters to be read in the future.
So it is that in 1982 I began to write a letter to my eldest son whose dob is October 13, 1979. A letter to be to him delivered on his twenty first birthday, so it happened in 2000.
A long letter it was, 102 pages. I wrote to my son in the future, telling him about his achievements as he grew. Telling him some things about me. I recall when I was 45, in 1995,I told him how much I earned at work, in easily comparable terms such as of how many kilograms of bread, cheese, ham, meat. Liters of milk, gasoline, coke could be acquired . So he could figure out if at that age his income was more or less than mine.
Well, it happens that while these lines I write for you a great idea has surfaced in my mind, to write for him a letter for his sixty sixth birthday.
Same thing will be done for my second and third child, 1986 and 1987.
Letters then to be delivered in 2044, 2051 and 2052. My grandchildren are elegible as well, their years of birth are 2013, 2014 and 2016.
Quite some writing ahead, with my Parker 51 pen with green ink.
To you I owe this iniative, my gratitude.
Fare thee well.
Please, could you be so kind and drop me a line or two.
The first thing I do every morning is to check the statistics of the blog.
Good night, it is 10:50 pm here now
Dear readers from so many places.
Iran and The Netherlands impress me because of the numerous visitors taking a look lately at this blog o mine.
Please, could you be so kind as to drop a line or two with some feedback?
Perhaps we could have conversations on so many interesting subjects. History, Poetry, Music, and whatnot. I have put together a number of PowerPoint presentations that I would be glad to share with thee.
Take a look at the link about History, Art, Poetry.
I do look forward to hearing from you.
Dear readers from all over the world,
I have seen numerous hits every now and then in a concise period.
Once more, could anyone out there be so kind as to drop a line or two?
A commentary right here, an email, or a WhatsApp message. your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Luis Gumucio
The gratifying surprise today is seventy hits from Canada in the last 24 hours.
Is there anything I could do for you?
I do look forwards to receiving some feedback.
Fare thee well
Luis Gumucio
Buen día tengan hoy, pacientes y amables lectores.
Les cuento que el Martes 4 de los corrientes habrá una actividad en un hogar de ancianos con un grupo de amigos que generosamente respondieron a una propuesta. Transcribo un escrito, en la figura literaria de una carta que me dicta un amigo, que fui perdiendo día a día. Se llamaba Iván Erices Pérez Castro. El texto se explica por sí mismo.
Hogar 30, Mayo 2003
Me llamo Erices Iván Pérez Castro. No puedo ya escribir, se me olvidó. Le pido a amigo Luis, más conocido como Luchín, que lo haga por mí, le dicto. Para eso son los amigos.
Quiero que escriba para que usted, amantísimo y paciente lector lo lea, y se entere lo importante que es para mí que venga a visitarme regularmente y que cómo me mejora la calidad de vida, regalándome su tiempo, compañía y amistad. Para eso son los amigos.
Quiero que Luchín te cuente, te puedo tutear?, que cuando me visitas, no soy el único que recibe cariño, tú también eres recompensado con el regalo de mi amistad y compañía. Recibo tanto cariño, y también lo doy, mucho, créeme. Para eso son los amigos.
Te cuento que ya no sé lo que significa quince días, ya no tengo la noción del tiempo. Cuando vengas me presentaré diciéndote que me llamo Iván Erices Pérez Castro, o Iván El Terrible, para inmediatamente preguntarte que cómo te llamas tú. Te darás cuenta que si nos encontramos de nuevo, apenas tres minutos después de habernos despedido nombrándote, te saludaré de nuevo, respetuosamente te diré mi nombre y que estoy aquí para servirte, sin embargo no diré tu nombre porque se me habrá olvidado. Lo poco que me va quedando de lucidez se da cuenta de mi progresivo deterioro cognitivo y me siento limitado. Se me pasa rápido porque me haces sentirme bien, me haces creer que te aporto algo. Ven pronto eso sí, porque dentro de no mucho mi enfermedad me privará de la noción de mi propia identidad, no recordaré mi nombre. Espero no perder la capacidad de reír y evocar la música de mi pasado que recuerdo bien ya que eso es lo último que se lleva mi tan cruel enfermedad, sé que cuento contigo para que me ayudes en eso. Para eso son los amigos.
Para que pueda seguir viviendo
en las condiciones más dignas que sea posible, es que necesito también tu ayuda
material. Te pido una colaboración mensual, la justa retribución por ayudarte a
encasillar tus problemas en el nivel que corresponden. La soledad y el abandono
en la vejez sí que es un problema, hiela el alma. Te digo que acepto con paz y
alegría cualquier respuesta tuya, incluido el silencio, mi gratitud ya está
comprometida porque leíste mi carta hasta este último párrafo.
Para eso son los amigos.
I solemnly salute thee this morning.
I do wonder what has caught thy fancy
Was it Bach? Was it Shakespeare? Well, no wonder, each one is a category by himself.
Composers? Bach and the others
Poets? Shakespeare and the others.
I would greatly appreciate it if a commentary is sent to me. Be it right here, by Email, or by Whatsapp.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
Surprise, awe, and pleasure have in my heart and spirit produced having a minute ago seen that to readers from Ukraine and Russia this blog has caught thy fancy
I would greatly appreciate it if you could drop me a line or two by Email or Whatsapp.
I do look forward to receiving your gracious and kind response.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
A nice and pleasant surprise this morning has the stats given me.
Now many readers located in Germany seem to be interested in this blog.
Recently it has been from Canada, Russia, and Turkey.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could drop me some commentaries to direct future posts on the subject that catches thy fancy.
Three options there are,
Comment right here at the end of this post.
+56 9 7569 4082
I do look forward to receiving the invaluable feedback that would permit me to serve you better.
Luis Gumucio
Readers from Turkey, I salute you.
I do wonder what could catch the fancy of readers from so many countries. I would greatly appreciate it if you drop a couple of thoughts in commentaries. Anyhow, daily stats review encourages me to write a little more.
Good night.
Luis Gumucio
Dear readers from various countries, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, China, Canada, USA, Mexico, Panama, Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru.
The first thing I do when turning on my PC is to check the statistics of this blog. Usually thirty to forty readers the last seven days.
But tonight the figure is threefold. Sixty-five hits from Canada yesterday. Welcome.
My gratitude to y´all.
Have a good day, you have made mine.
Fare thee well.
Luis Gumucio
I own a car with whom I converse. It is a 1972 Peugeot 404.
Interview published in December 5, 2005 will explain what I mean.
Pictures will be shared.
At least
1.- Brand new in December 1972,
2.- Last week, where it now patiently rests in conditions that pose an improvement opportunity, hence awaiting the time when it will be restored to mint condition.
I take a look at Instagram and Facebook every now and then as at times wonderful and interesting things can be found. I do have accounts but not with my name, nor do I ever write anything.
I prefer to store and share my creativeness in the support of blogs as another way of meeting...
Here I deploy poetry, writing, piano, violin, and some personal experiences and thoughts.
What motivates me to be much more active here is the review of visitors stats which makes me aware that what I here share is interesting for some.
Thank you, dear and patient visitors, whoever you are and wherever you may live and reside.
dès l'aube
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.
Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.
Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.
Victor Hugo
L'étude de la structure et des figures de rhétorique jusque dans les moindres détails me procure un plaisir intellectuel inégalé.
Pour demain, nous aurons
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
de Thomas Gray.
As we are in poetry mode right now, after Nicanor Parra´s nice short poem it is time to render homage to Christina Rossetti, Remember Me
Remember me when I am gone away,Gone far away into the silent land;When you can no more hold me by the hand,Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.Remember me when no more day by dayYou tell me of our future that you planned:Only remember me; you understandIt will be late to counsel then or pray.Yet if you should forget me for a whileAnd afterwards remember, do not grieve:For if the darkness and corruption leaveA vestige of the thoughts that once I had,Better by far you should forget and smileThan that you should remember and be sad.
Cuando pasen los años, cuando pasen |
Disfrutando enormemente al revivir mi historia escribiéndola.
Nací el 9 de Enero de 1950.
Tengo algunos recuerdos puntuales, en aumento, entre 1951 y 1953. De 1954 casi todo, con lagunas
Es como una película contínua sin lagunas desde Enero de 1955.
Mi memoria registra todos los meses, dónde estaba y qué hacía.
Los hechos significativos los recuerdo con día, hora, e imágenes. Días por mes, a todo detalle, deben ser entre tres y siete.
ÍNDICE. Planilla excel con una hoja por año, sus meses y días.
DESARROLLO. Un archivo Word por año.
Ésto lo hago para mí.
Podría ser que algún tipo de vivencias, no autoreferentes, dé para compartir aquí.
Me refiero por ejemplo, en época de estudiante, a mi primer trabajo a la edad de 20 como asimismo el primer despido a los 21.
Por eso posteo esta idea, se vienen algunos relatos.
Manos a la obra.
Veamos en qué termina todo ésto.
Dear readers.
I know you are there, I see y´all as I check the visit stats all the time.
Readers from Germany, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Estonia, Ukraine, UK, Turkey, Serbia, and many other places.
I would be happy to talk about the Sonnets, it could be an audience of no matter how many, neverthless one and only one will suffice.
Leave a comment here, send me an email or a Whatsapp text so we can arrange date and time easily.
I look forward to receiving replies or reply.
Good night
Luis Gumucio
Dear visitors.
I will deliver a lecture, by Google Meet, about Shakespeare´s Sonnets once I have an audience of at least one interested.
Introduction, followed by thorough and profound analysis of Sonnet 18. I have delivered this lecture many times with a great power point presentation I put together.
If this invitation catches thy fancy, we can arrange the day and time.
Leave a comment here or send me an email to
I do look forward to see if this idea could be a means to face the boredom of this pandemic that has changed our lives. One response will suffice.
See y´all
Luis Gumucio